Satan's Deception
St Paul tells us in Eph 6 .. our enemies are not of flesh and blood.
Satan's goal has always been to create division within the Sacred body of Christ, the Church, so we should always be on our guard against a deceiving spirit. We are warned that any alleged message that contradicts the teachings of the Church are without a doubt totally and completely false, regardless that some 'feel' the words in a message can only be from God. To support or believe in them involves spreading religious error.
The following are extracts that have been taken from the writings of alleged seers.
(1) "Soon, now your Holy Father will be replaced with one who is not of Me. And he will change much, he will begin the destruction of My Church in earnest. Are you ready to fight for the Truth? Many will fall in this time. Pray much, children, that you are not one of them. I Love you and I ask that you be willing to do all that I ask. I Love you."
(2) The Anti-Pope and Antichrist shall come forth and declare many ways to rebuild the Church and the world. Woe to those who follow their heresies and lies. This time is when the Remnant Church shall exist. This will be the time the Apostles and Disciples of the Blessed Virgin Mary shall provide you Holy Hope and Faith. Jesus."
(3) "So infested are they, those who roam the corridors of Rome, that the biggest sign will be seen in the chaos, which will ensue, as they adhere to the command of the imposter. Chaos, disorder, division and contradiction will be seen everywhere in Rome. This disorder comes from Satan for it cannot come from God."
All these writings sound the same. In fact it's difficult to choose which one came from what seer. They all predict a coming anti-pope, who will change the teachings of the Church..yet, they all claim the anti-pope to be a different Pope!
Pope Benedict XV1 is the "Deceiver" the "Anti-Pope"...."Do not allow yourselves to be deceived for the deceiver is among you. Rise up, My children, and hold on to the Truth of My Ways; do not forget My servant, John Paul II. Do not forget the words that he has given to you for they are My Words given to bring you through these times."
Pope Francis is the "Deceiver," the "Anti-Pope"...."How My Heart breaks because of the sorrow, which is being felt by souls who are in disarray because of the flight of My last pope, My beloved Benedict. You, My cherished souls, feel so confused and, somewhat, alone. I feel your pain and you must pray hard for My Hand of Mercy, so that I can reach out to comfort your sorrowful hearts. "
They all warn.. "Do not allow yourselves to be deceived for the deceiver is among you." ... It would be funny if it wasn't so serious. The deceiver is certainly among us, but it wasn't Pope Benedict, and it is't Pope Francis. The "deceiver" is the Father of all lies himself! Satan masquerading as an "angel of light" in order to deceive god's children. Sadly, many today follow these false prophets whose new claim today is that Pope Francis is the "deceiver" - and as previously stated - they follow because they 'feel' these messages can only come from God.
I ask the followers of the alleged prophet, Maria Divine Mercy, to read the following and ask themselves honestly why they are so convinced her writings are from God. Is it because they urge prayer and devotions? Well as we can see in the writings below prayers and devotions are urged, yet those false prophets warned that Pope Benedict was the Anti-Pope!
"I have told you that Saint Joseph with the Apostles and Disciples of My Most Holy Mother shall begin and maintain the True Catholic Faith within the Remnant Church because of the schism the Anti-Pope shall foster, due to his heresies. Saint Joseph has gathered people together to pray. He will continue to assist all of you who wish to be faithful to the Dogma and Traditions of the Holy Roman Catholic Church and Faith to join together, to have the Sacraments, and Priestly counsel from Holy, Marian, Priests. That is why I have asked and asked you to seek out Holy Priests who would serve the True Church in the days before and after the Warning, and on to the three days of darkness.
· I have told you to make your homes holy, to pray each day together in your homes.
· I have asked you to obtain images of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Sacred Heart of Jesus for each room.
· I have asked you to put crucifixes and Saint Benedict medals on all windows and doors.
· I have asked you to obtain and keep blessed candles for light and warmth.
· I have asked you to obtain images of the Saints, Angels and maintain your homes free of evil by the frequent use of Holy water sprinkled throughout your homes.
· I have asked you to keep extra Rosaries and prayer books on hand."
So yes, as we can see Satan does 'allow' pious devotions if in the end he can achieve his goal, so we can never take this as proof that a message is genuine. This is why we need the Church - and why every genuine seer has submitted themselves and their writings to the Church that Christ founded.
Jeremiah warns 23:21-22 "I did not send these prophets, yet they have run with their message; I did not speak to them, yet they have prophesied. But if they had stood in my council, they would have proclaimed my words to my people and would have turned them from their evil ways and from their evil deeds." Jer 23-21