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Demonic Infestations!























"MARIA DIVINE MERCY"; A dangerous demonic deception": Father John Abberton shares his shocking experience:


"I am a priest exorcist of 15 years experience. I now have permission to say these things. Lately I have been trying to help a lady who used to read these false messages. This lady has been possessed by many demons. I cannot say how many. I have had many sessions with her, in the presence of another priest and a lay woman who are witnesses to what I have to say.

This person came to me shortly after she had stopped reading those false messages. The reason she stopped was that she felt "spiritually dead" in spite of saying the prayers recommended by the messages, including the Rosary, and she realised that she was not growing in faith etc. She felt unhappy about this and was strangely ill at ease. As soon as she stopped she was attacked by a demon. She felt its presence and then she realised that she needed help.

When she came to me, it seemed that there were other problems - problems that had been there before she began reading those messages. We have still not got to the bottom of those.

At one session I prayed specifically against any spirits that had come into her through Maria Divine Mercy. At this she began to jerk furiously in her chair and was thrown onto the floor where she rolled around and started to cry out. As I knelt down beside her I prayed against the Jezebel spirit - a spirit associated with false prophecy. When I did this, the women's eyes flashed at me and stared straight at me with a definite look of anger. We needed more sessions. At one she was delivered of something quite "big" and as she went home she said" Now I am happy about Pope Francis".
I understand that when she was reading those messages she painted a religious picture which she believed she had been inspired to paint. She hung it up in her little boy's bedroom. After this the boy was disturbed every night. The disturbances stopped after she tore up the picture and burnt it. After that the child slept soundly.

These and other things are conclusive proof for me that the "messages" of Maria Divine Mercy are demonically inspired.

This lady is one of four people who have contacted me because they had spiritual problems through reading these so-called messages. One other person told me he needed my help because he "felt bad", another told me he had been "attacked" when he decided to stop reading the messages.


You may share this information if you wish."


 Fr John Abberton

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