False Prophets
You, be alert for false prophets who come to you dressed as sheep but inside are rapacious wolves. By their fruit you will know them! No one ever gathers grapes from thorns or figs from thistles! Thus, every good tree bears good fruit, but rotten trees, wicked fruit. No good tree bears wicked fruit, nor a rotten tree good fruit. Every tree not bearing good fruit is cut down and thrown into the Fire. And, so, from their fruit you will know them. Not everyone saying to me, “Lord, Lord!” will enter the Heavenly Realm but the one doing the will of my heavenly Father. Many will say to me in The Day: “Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name? “And, in your name cast out demons? “And, in your name did many dynamic works?” And then I shall confess to them: “I never knew you! Get away from me, those working unlawfully!” Matthew 7:15-23
First, we are not to despise any brothers, sisters, family members or relatives who have followed the false Prophet, Mary Carberry. Our enemies are not of flesh and blood, but of the spiritual order and nature. Each of these children of the Church are beloved of God, and so should be our same response towards them. The true enemy of God is Satan who wants to see divisions within the sacred body.
Prophecy of Marie Julie Jahenny....
"During the time of the approach of the punishments announced at La Salette, an unlimited amount of false revelations will arise from Hell like a swarm of flies; a last attempt of Satan to choke and destroy the belief in the true revelations by false ones."
I pray now that the information given below will show the followers of Maria Divine Mercy, aka Mary Carberry, that her visions are truly coming from hell!
We know from various credible witnesses that Mary Carberry was involved with the well known psychic/medium, Joe Coleman and according to them she was with him when he received the apparitions at Knock. She also helped promote his book 'The Message' Now, according to her own testimony, she did not have a good knowledge of the faith, so it is understandable that she would be naive when it came to discerning the falsehood of a psychic turned visionary. According to one witness who knew her personally,....
"Joe Coleman's infestation definitely spilled onto Mary Carberry and soon she too began to have visions. In fact a number of people associated with this Medium, Joe Coleman began to have visions including Keith who was killed in a car accident. "
At this point I will show the truth that Joe Coleman is indeed a psychic medium. The following comments were taken from a forum dealing with psychics.
3rd Nov 2009 ..."Does anyone know if Joe is still in Ballyfermot giving readings and if so would anyone have his number to make appointment to see him? Would love to get a reading done."
"you have to go to him, usually. or come and collect him and will go to a house if there is a few people to see him 4-5. He does not drive himself. i think he is very good. Some times he is busy , and you would have to wait a few days , or more to see him."
"He doesn't need to use cards. The Virgin Mary speaks directly through him, and only asks for €60, which isn't bad, you have to admit, for a direct conversation with the Mother of Jesus. Even Ben Dunne couldn't beat that."
"For the record, the one time I went to see Joe Coleman he did tarot cards with me, and said 2 members of my immediate family that had passed on were in the room, this is where I felt quite calm and comforted. The Virgin Mary was mentioned once, he said he prays to her and has had visits, I didn't ask anything about it, he didn't offer anymore information. I was very pleased with the tarot reading, BUT I will stress this, even though I believe in the afterlife I take all readings with a pinch of salt. The point I was trying to make is that I found him to be a very nice person, who strongly believes in what he does. "
4th Nov 2009..."This man claims to be a Marian visionary therefore it could be assumed that he presents himself as a Catholic or Christian." Despite this, he operates in the psychic / medium / new age arena - which is completely contrary to Catholism and Christianity. Its fairly simple. If you are a Catholic or Christian then you should have nothing to do with psychics / mediums and the new age "movement". If you are not Catholic or Christian then by all means seek whatever you want to seek - but then why would anybody seek "comfort" from a person who claims to be a Marian visionary if they are not Catholic / Christian. "This man is a walking contradiction."
"I'd say Joe is both, he is also clairvoyant and a visionary."
The following list of people participated in Joe's spiritual/ prayer sittings. The name Mary Carberry can be clearly. It is to be noted also that the German publisher of the Book Of Truth, who uses the name 'Herzmariens.' is also on the list
Leo Murtagh Offline chris mcmahon Offline Dave Offline Gary Branigan Offline Janet Dunne Offline Louise Toal Offline Lyn Furlong Offline Mary Carberry Offline Sean lydon Herzmariens
The information is available on Joe's website - though I do know that Joe would like all former connections with Mary forgotten! However I do also have copies of previous private messages from Joe on Facebook where he was asked if he could identify Mary Carberry from a photograph..
Today 16:31 Joe Coleman "thats her allright a younger version,"
17:35 "Well, she needs to be careful as people are talking! Hopefully she will now retreat from deluding so many people"
18:35 Joe Coleman "I will keep you in my prayers God bless, joe"
Below is an email from Mary sent on the 1st November 2010 to a well known theologian, Ron Conte.
"I am the second visionary. We both see Our Lady as well as her beloved son Jesus Christ. I also see a nun during the apparitions which I have been led to believe is Sister Faustina the Polish nun who are given a prayer of the Divine Mercy to prepare the world for the Second Coming back in the 1930's. Visions of St Philomena and St Bernadette have also occured from time to time. They are becoming more pronounced and more frequent in recent weeks.
Neither of us knew each other in advance and come from different types of backgrounds and education. One this for sure is that the apparitions not only happened but many of them were witnessed by quite a few people. We receive messages every month. From the beginning Our Lady asked that we publish them. Joe has gone public - I manage the website but have not gone public because I dont have the courage to tell you the truth. Nor could I put my family through what Joe's family had to endure when he went public.
The Catholic Church have banned us from Knock in Co Mayo where the sun began to spin and shake in the sky after each apparition predicted in advance.
Neither of us have ever read the Bible (because as Catholics for some reason it is not taught in schools - yes this is true). Yet the messages received all relate to biblical prophecies which did not make sence in the beginning. but now, of course, they do.
Either way after a very tough year in which our lives have been turned upside down and inside out - riducled, laughed at, mocked and banned along with all the genuine believers from entering the Catholic Church in the grotto at Knock, the messages, are of huge significance for the world as the Second Coming of Christ is about to take place. No date has been given nor will it Our Lady says. But the time is very close now.
We have been given YEARS but not dates regarding the Second Coming. The Tribulation has already started. The second half starts at the end of 2012/beginning of 2013 and will last four years until 2016. The 'Trinity Years' as the period was referred to by the Holy Spirit will last from 2013-2018 the sign of the beast 666. The first six relates to the one world economy. The second six relates to a new world leader - the anti-christ and the last six relates to the abolition of all religions into one new false religion. Reference was also made to the lifting up into the clouds but it was not clear. It seems to refer to the year 2013 but we are not sure. Visions have also been given to Joe about future events, places, cities, and islands which will all be destroyed. In your writing you have been accurate in one you predicted but we have not gone public with those visions because they would cause tremendous distress to people.
Global earthquakes, disasters and turmoil are unfortunately going to
affect many many countries. GOD HELP US ALL. It is up to all believers to
pray extremely hard for the unbelievers if they are to be saved.
We pray every day that we can spread the truth of the messages which are
authentic. we have nothing to gain financially or otherwise from these
messages. keep checking our site for more messages. the next apparition
is on Sat 6th November 2010. www.knockapparitions.com
Mary (cant give you my surname unfortunately)
Whilst at the Knock shrine Joe Coleman was seen to grab the shrine manager by the coat and shake him. A photographer, Mick McCormack, took photographs as Mary laughed. This was reported in Geraldine Comiskey's book 'Wacky Eire'
Martin Roth, the publisher of the Book of Truth, has verified that Maria Divine Mercy aka Mary Carberry, did indeed manage Joe's website, just as Mary tells us in the above email.
Heinrich Martin Roth, German business partner of the ‘visionary’ Maria Divine Mercy, posted a 30-page ‘rant’ on his website reacting to a flier distributed by
German Catholic publishers Miriam-Verlag. "While defending ‘Maria Divine Mercy’ - whose real name is Mary Carberry - and attempting to support the authenticity of her ‘messages from heaven,’ Roth provides embarrassing details exposing the ‘visionary’s’ identity and history. " (MidwayStreet)
So no doubt at all then that the sender of the above email is indeed Mary Carberry aka Maria Divine Mercy.
Note that Mary stated in her email dated 1st November 2010 ....." We both see Our Lady as well as her beloved son Jesus Christ. " She also claimed that she and Joe.."..receive messages every month" So she is already receiving messages, yet in her radio interview she says her first message was on the 9th November that she was so shocked when Our Lady started speaking to her that she dropped her pen! "Something made me get the room ready, and I prayed, and our lady gave me a message for the very first time. "
There is a clear contrdiction here. Mary Carberry had stated that she was receiving messages before this date...so why is she so shocked?
"Mary" told her.." pick up your pen.." Mary Carberry then asked, "Are you really speaking to me or what?"
"My dear child, today is a special day, as Heaven celebrates the anniversary of my first message given to you as a messenger of God. I come today to bring you the news that many millions of people will convert because of this mission."
Allegedly Jesus also began to speak to her on the 9th November 2010
"It will be exactly one year on Wednesday 9th November 2011 since Maria Divine Mercy received the first message from Jesus Christ. The message was received at 3am on 9th November 2010"
Radio interview.... Anecdote of her very first message from 'Jesus' on 9 November, 2010.
"And somebody gave me a picture of Jesus. It was a battered picture, it was just propped there, and I Iooked and to my absolute amazement, em (sigh), his face came out and, and…just… came alive and his mouth started to move and I knew he was speaking but he didn’t say anything. I couldn’t hear anything. And I had an old envelope beside my bed so I grabbed it and I found a pen, I knew he wanted to communicate. And that first message was…I…I think it was three o’clock in the morning, fast asleep, and next minute out this message came, and, it was just extraordinary – I couldn’t make it up. I’ll just give you the first paragraph ((Barbara Ann: Oh yes, please do!)) " (Oct 2011)
More information is published on this site regarding the picture of 'Jesus' Under the heading 'Lord Sananda'
Notice also in the email that Mary did at that time agree with Joe's 'visions' Only a false seer would agree with a false seer's apparitions. A genuine seer would have know from God that this person was false - and of course we know that Mediums are not God's instruments.
2 Thessalonians 2:9-12: "Whose coming is according to the working of Satan, in all power, and signs, and lying wonders, And in all seduction of iniquity to them that perish; because they receive not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. Therefore God shall send them the operation of error, to believe lying. That all may be judged who have not believed the truth, but have consented to iniquity."